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General Vaping Information

General Vaping Information

At The Ecig Flavourium we understand the world of vaping offers countless questions and at times it can be difficult to determine what is fact vs. fiction.  In this section you will find helpful general information related to vaping.

  • FREE LOCAL SHIPPING - Port Hope, Cobourg, Bowmanville!
    FREE LOCAL SHIPPING - Port Hope, Cobourg, Bowmanville!
    1802 Views Liked

    We understand this can be a scary time for everyone in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken many steps to ensure the safety of our customers.  Our most recent decision is to offer FREE LOCAL DELIVERY to customers in the vicinity of our Stores in both Port Hope and Bowmanville.  There is no minimum order amount and order what you’d like.  We will be providing local deliveries after hours between 7pm and 9pm for anyone in Port Hope, Cobourg and Bowmanvillle.  **If you’re...

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  • Its time that tobacco control in Canada remove themselves from the vaping conversation
    Its time that tobacco control in Canada remove themselves from the vaping conversation
    2251 Views Liked

    It is National Non-smoking week in Canada. A week dedicated to encouraging, aiding, and assisting smokers with quitting. In Canada we’ve noticed that the majority of those in the smoking cessation field promote only approved nicotine replacement therapies as options to the smoker, ignoring vaping as an option. Quit ourway or die seems to be the message.  Why have they removed this successful tool from their tool box? Because electronic cigarettes are not made by the pharmaceutical companies...

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Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Page)
WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada