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Posted in : "2020 - December"

  • December 26 COVID Ordering Information.  OPEN for Curbside and FREE Local Delivery!
    December 26 COVID Ordering Information. OPEN for Curbside and FREE Local Delivery!
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    As the province heads into another lockdown, we have adjusted how we operate to ensure that NOBODY will have to return to smoking because they cannot access vaping products during this crisis. OUR WEBSITE IS… “OPEN FOR BUSINESS 24/7".  We have implemented Contactless Curbside Pickup, FREE Local Delivery and Canada Post shipping options so that you can continue to access whatever products you need from us safely and conveniently. Effective at 11:59 pm December 25th, we will no longer be...

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WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada